Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas ~ Before, During and After

We have been so busy with the holidays, work, family and recitals. I promise pictures are to come. December 17th Ashleigh had her first recital for her musical theatre class and did SO AWSOME!! I don't like to brag but this family is blessed with some REAL TRUE GOD GIVEN talent and that is a fact! She was so excited that her family was able to take time to share that evening with her, Daddy & Jonathon , Mommy & Lee Roy, Aunt Tina & Henry, Nana Lizzy and Papa Jake(wouldn't have missed it!!!) and Nana & Papa. She sang a solo from Mary Poppins called "Stay Awake" We recorded it so that if you missed it you can see it. My mom signed her up in one class and after the recital the director of the theatre asked to talk to us after. She said to be on the look out for an email and that would explain more.
The email came and it was letting us know that because of the leadership and the extra level of committment, Ashleigh was being promoted early to an advanced class. YEA..YEA!!!

I have been on vacation from work since 12/19 and it has been wonderful!!! I go back to work on Monday 1/05/09.

Christmas Eve was so great. We hosted my family for that night and I couldn't have asked for a more special night. This year in my family we decided that we were only going to by Christmas for the kids. We did just that. Lee Roy and I just got 1 family gift and nothing else...that was the deal!! We got a Wii! AND let me tell ya... we have all been playing since Christmas. I made some beans (Frijoles Borrachos) to eat with our traditional tamales.. mmmm.. YUMMO!!!
Christmas night was nice too, we were all tired of the Tamales and Turkey/Ham I made something a little different... Meatloaf! With real mashed potatos and a green bean casserole for my Lee Roy. To all we didn't see.. Many Blessings and lots of Love!