Posted by VRussell at 9:32 AM 0 comments
So today at 4 I will be on vacation until 12/21. Then I return to work Monday- Thursday that week, then I will be on vacation again until Jan 2010!!! This weekend the kids will be with their dad so the plan is to help my mom with decorations at her house since Dad can't and she has been busy wrapping up her school work. YAY for my mom she graduates 12/18 from DBU.. she is truly my hero. The other thing we have planned is making cookies. Not just any cookie.. traditional mexican ojarascas...mmm YUMMO! We do not give out the recipe so don't ask! ;)
Lee Roy has to work all weekend with the Cowboys' game being here Sunday...GO COWBOYS!!
Anyway it has been a strange week and I hope to use this vacation time to relax and not worry about much! I need some me time and REALLY need some daughter/mommy time. We have not spent much time together since my mom has been in school but that WILL all change! Maybe we will shop a little too ;).
Posted by VRussell at 10:22 AM 0 comments
I was going through papers in her graded work folder I came across a story Ashleigh wrote at school. I usually quickly skim through the papers and sign the folder so we can be on our way. This morning I was doing the same thing as I do every Wednesday morning but this paper caught my attention (Holy Spirit). In scribbled letters I read the title "HEVEN". Her spelling is a work in progress but I couldn’t help but smile. I was running a little late but thought that this story deserved the time to be read. I have fixed the spelling but have left the title as is.
When I visit Heaven I will see a lot of people, my grandpa, my granddad, my aunt and Michael Jackson. I saw Jesus and he said hi child what is your name? I said Ashleigh. Jesus gave me 10 packets of candy and 5 packets of gum, I said thank you Jesus for the gum and the candy. Everybody was saying good day madam, I said thank you good men. It smells like strawberries, caramel and coconuts. The houses were all 500 stories, pink and blue and had 20 swimming pools. They had 900,000,000 TV’s and 200,000,000,000 channels. There is a light breeze in the morning. At lunch we ate steak, hotdogs and hamburgers. It was so fun in heaven.
Posted by VRussell at 2:32 PM 0 comments
My friend Nicole is going to be a grandma soon so we hosted a baby shower for her and her daughter Brooklinn. See the pics. I did 4 mini diaper cakes and one small diaper cake ballerina.
Posted by VRussell at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Well I have been spending most of my time on Facebook so my blog has suffered .. ;) September is almost over and I am a year older. The fair is here and I cannot wait for Texas/ou weekend. Ashleigh and I went to the Taylor Swift concert on 9/25, it was so much fun. Spending time with my baby and watching her face light up as she watched her "girl" Taylor.
We have all been sick this month and that is never any fun. I had a sinus infection and bronchitis. I am still not well so I am going back to the DR today. Lee Roy was really sick, his sinus infection was worse than mine. Ashleigh had the flu.. or a virus like it. Her dr said that it was a new kind of flu that is not testing psitive when tested in the clinic. Jonathon had upper resp stuff too. They both have been out of school since last Tue and Wed. My grandmother came over to make us all homemade chicken soup. She was so worried about Lee Roy because he has not had much rest and trying to get better is harder for him because of that. But she came over and took care of us .. Just pray for us that we get better soon.
9/28 ~ GO COWBOYS!!!
Posted by VRussell at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Posted by VRussell at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Well I had been a bit worried about Jonathon starting Jr.high because of his special needs but I am please and excited to report that I was WAY TOO WORRIED for nothing.. He has come home the past 2 days EXCITED and cannot wait to tell me about his day. I know my family has been praying for us for this specific prayer request and I just wanted to say THANK YOU! God is AWSOME!
love and blessings!
Posted by VRussell at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Posted by VRussell at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Former Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay will join 15 celebrities from the worlds of entertainment and sports in kicking up their heels on the new season of "Dancing With the Stars.
Other hopefuls include entertainer Donny Osmond; singers Mya, Macy Gray and Aaron Carter; actors Melissa Joan Hart, Debi Mazar and Ashley Hamilton (son of George); models Joanna Krupa and Kathy Ireland; reality stars Kelly Osbourne and Mark Dacascos ("the Chairman" on Food Network's "Iron Chef America"); mixed martial artist Chuck Liddell; professional snowboarder Louie Vito; Olympic swimmer Natalie Coughlin; former Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin and the 62-year-old former congressman from Texas.
Posted by VRussell at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Friday we went to Southlake.. waste of Gas if you ask me. They were so rude, it was unreal! BRIDAL DESIGNS in Southlake.. SAVE YOUR TIME AND $! Saturday we had a second appointment at Alfred Angelo's.. SHE HAS FOUND EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTED.... :)
Sorry can't show "The" dress but I promise it is BEAUTIFUL! We went to 3 hotels today and I have calls to make on Monday.. We have less than 7 months and I have a feeling this is going to be tons of fun but exhausting! Good Night.. ~V~
Posted by VRussell at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Don't worry, I am not going to show the "ONE" but I am going to show the " NO WAY, I DON'T THINK SO's"... LOL! Tomorrow will be day 3 for the dress hunt. We will be at Bridal designs in Southlake... stay tuned! ;)
Posted by VRussell at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Posted by VRussell at 9:54 PM 0 comments