Last week I was on vacation and it was by far the fastest week ever. I went to my parents house on Monday to make cookie dough with my dad. I am so glad I finally get the family recipe and can share this with Ashleigh and Jonathon. Monday and Tuesday I spent baking with the kids and we enjoyed our special time. Even Jonathon was not too busy for mom. :)
Wednesday Lee Roy and I went to pick up Ashleigh's Christmas gift in Ennis Texas. We are proud to announce the newest member of our family... Jackson Pete Russell.. our new PUG.

Thursday I took that as a me day.
Friday Lee Roy was also off from work and we spent the day together. Friday was also my mom's graduation day from Dallas Baptist University. We are so proud of her!!

Saturday we went to visit Aunt Stephanie(kyle's aunt; papa's sister). We brought cookies that we baked to brighten her day.. she just had surgery.
Saturday night we watched the DALLAS COWBOYS WHOOP UP on the NO Saints.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I LOVE MY BOYS!
Monday it was back to work for me.. can't say the same for Nick Folk( now X kicker for the cowboys)
Love and blessings
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