Posted by VRussell at 9:32 AM 0 comments
So today at 4 I will be on vacation until 12/21. Then I return to work Monday- Thursday that week, then I will be on vacation again until Jan 2010!!! This weekend the kids will be with their dad so the plan is to help my mom with decorations at her house since Dad can't and she has been busy wrapping up her school work. YAY for my mom she graduates 12/18 from DBU.. she is truly my hero. The other thing we have planned is making cookies. Not just any cookie.. traditional mexican ojarascas...mmm YUMMO! We do not give out the recipe so don't ask! ;)
Lee Roy has to work all weekend with the Cowboys' game being here Sunday...GO COWBOYS!!
Anyway it has been a strange week and I hope to use this vacation time to relax and not worry about much! I need some me time and REALLY need some daughter/mommy time. We have not spent much time together since my mom has been in school but that WILL all change! Maybe we will shop a little too ;).
Posted by VRussell at 10:22 AM 0 comments