Today is the 2 year anniversary since my dad had his Accident. As many know Dad was hanging Christmas lights on their home that Saturday afternoon when he fell from a ladder about 17 1/2 feet to land on my sister's car. Over Thanksgiving this year we talked about how God has blessed us and brought us through so much in life but especially in the past 2 years. My mom was recalling walking out to find dad lying there on the driveway motionless and what seemed lifeless. She fell to her knees praying and asking God to not take my dad yet, that she didn't know what to do without him. My sister was also there, she called 911 in such a panic, I still have nightmares from hearing her desperate cries and pleas for help. I got the next phone call, All I remember hearing Tina say was Val hurry come over dad fell and we think he's dead. I was meeting with my photographer for the wedding and I had to obviously cut it short. Lee Roy and I rushed from Hurst to Grapevine in about 7 minutes...seemed like 4 ever!! We didn't know what to expect but we knew we had to keep it together because Mom and Tina got the visual news before we did. I being the oldest daughter had to really keep it together, not only for Tina but for my mom. We got there and the paramedics had just placed dad on the board and told us that they were meeting Care Flite at Grapevine Mustang Stadium because they had NO time to lose .. Dad had to get to a trauma center like NOW!! That was the moment I felt the OMG!! This is for real and dad is in bad shape. My mom and sister were in total shock and could not focus. Lee Roy drove us to to the Stadium as the neighbors stayed and said they would clean up and lock up. As they loaded dad onto the helicopter, Grapevine FD was asking mom questions she couldn't even answer... easy stuff and still couldn't. She was frazzled! The GFD said, He is going to Harris Methodist in DT FT Worth he will be there in about 7 minutes, but it will take you about 30. We watched the chopper take off with our Dad inside and prayed! Lee Roy drove us to the ER at Harris and .... Oh Lord! You know I had not really talked about this in it's entirety?
Lord Bless our family. Keep them safe in your arms always!
Valerie your family is indeed blessed that you all were given more time with a wonderful family member. I know what it is like to lose a father unexpectantly in an accident so I understand how grateful you are to God that he survived.
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