Where has my little baby girl gone?? As I watched Ash during the shoot I thought to myself... WOW, she is a little lady! It feels like yesterday she was running around the house in a t-shirt, bib and pamper. My mom asked if Ashleigh would like to see about taking a class at LifeSong Studio in Grapevine. When I mentioned it to Ash she was like.."When can I go?" SO.. Ashleigh is taking a musical theatre class at the studio and just loves it. She took these pics for that reason. We wanted to put her in the class just for fun and we soon came to find out these people are in this for real!! So, Ashleigh has been exposed to the performing arts and just is in LOVE!! She auditioned for a solo from the Mary Poppins movie and got it. She makes her mommy SO PROUD, not to mention her Papa Jake. The performance is in December so be on the look out for more info on that. Music is in our blood and it is another thing that connects my family and makes us so close. Here are a couple of pictures of Miss Ashleigh!
pretty girl! I saw these when you emailed the out - she looks so grown up!! Like a littke lady!
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