Growing up, my great-grandfather played many roles in my life, great-grandpa, friend, father(til my mom married). He would love to take us driving around to spoil us by getting us ice cream, candy, junk food. At times.. we would just sit and watch the baseball game on TV. Now as an adult I see the point was to spend every special moment together, it was about making memories. My great-grandmother would tell him.. you are spoiling them.. stop it. Many times I am sure we hopped in the car and took off because she specifically TOLD HIM NOT TO...LOL! Tonight has just topped off an amazing weekend that has brought so many wonderful memories to mind. When you put everything aside and realize that your blessings are not at all the materialistic things, the house, the cars... all of the petty things people seem to think make them happy. My blessing is my family, my husband and my children. My blessing is knowing the Lord and the promise he made never to leave my side. He forgives me when I fail him, he loves me when I am wrong, he dries my tears when I am sad.. HE is AWSOME! Another blessing... MY DAD! Maybe I should have saved this for father's day but ... NAHH! Before dad's accident in 2006 he was a pretty normal dad and grandpa. Now my dad (Papa Jake) is just... I don't know ... different? He called me this afternoon and asked if he could take the kids to see Night at The Museum. I said sure, when and how fast do you need'em..LOL. I took the kids to their home in Grapevine and he said ok let's go. I was thinking my mom was going... NOPE! Mr. Independence was taking the kids to Southlake on his own. He said he wanted to spend grandpa/grandkid time and I thought... WOW this man has pretty severe physical limitations and he still wants to take them on his own. The first thing that came to mind... he is making memories. Thank you dad for being that special part of my kids lives and making the effort of letting them know that you are grandpa and you LOVE them SO much!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday after the bike ride my mom was like... val lets go lay out and get some sun and have a girls day at your place. See I love my mom.. she cracks me up she wants to hang out or spend time with us she doesn't make a big production, dramafy things or sit around wiating on an invatation or some phone call to get things moving or done. She just comes right out and says.. Val .. girls day.. your pool.. 1 hour. I love that about her, she knows I can't be the event planner all the time and that I have a billion and one things going on in my head, at work, the house and the kiddos. Anyhoo... we got together for a fun day of drinks, swimming and lots and lots of SUN. We look like lobsters..even Lee Roy. He came out for 1hour and a 1/2 before going to work. After being in the sun for 4 hours, my mom sis and I went to BABES...YUMMO! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend like we did!
Los Russell's
Posted by VRussell at 2:05 PM 1 comments
Wonderful Family weekend!
Posted by VRussell at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday my AWSOME new boss let us go at 3 to get our weekend started. Lee Roy was off on Friday so we took the kids to my grandma's house and to get a snow cone on the way. By the way if you have never been to Aunt Stelle's in Oak CLiff and you're a snow cone fan.. you don't know what your missing. They are the BEST! No room for discussion.. nope not on this.. we have been going there since I was 3 and OMG!! Now my kids get to experience it. It's great, they know me and my family and now they know my hubby and kids. They know us SO well, we get the "family" discount. After we took the kids to my grandma's, Lee Roy and I went to Cheddar's for dinner. Saturday My mom and I went shopping and my sister who is the best AUNT ever took my kids swimming. My Ashleigh turned 8 on Sunday. The entire Rodriguez family was in town from San Antonio and we all went to Saltgrass for her birthday. Ashleigh has her BFF Brittany spend the night. Will have pics later. ..
Monday we were all off and made it a bigger day than at first planned. We wanted to rest after a busy weekend but didn't happen. I got up, cleaned, and started cooking. Lee Roy had a couple of friends over and I had Tina and Henry over. We went swimming and cooked out on the grill. My parents went to the Yankees game and came over for dinner once veryone else had left. Have some good pics, will share soon.
Posted by VRussell at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Ashleigh's Party
Posted by VRussell at 10:05 AM 2 comments
Posted by VRussell at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Texas Tech School of Law - Our Weekend in Lubbock Texas
Rachel - Melissa's Hooding Attorney
Posted by VRussell at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Dave is in Dallas!! WooHoo!
Lee Roy's best friend and best man Dave is in town. He came over last night to hang out with us and watch Denver kick the Mavs out of the series. :( Oh well maybe next year right? I am SO tired of saying that about our sports teams.. ANYWHOOO... Dave came over on his Harley.. very nice. We talked about the old times when he and Lee Roy used to get into stuff... when he bailed Lee Roy out of the slammer once.. yes my hubby has a past.. :) BUT THAT MAKES HIM WHO HE IS! He has learned from the past and is a changed man. HALLE-LUYER! (As Madia would say) LOL! Glad to have him in town! Dave was like "ok, I came and drank your beer, so now you have to come to my house and drink mine".... I was like ok, you can have him Thursday.. he is off Friday.. he can have a late night with you and the guys.. NO PROB! So the kids are with dad tonight and Lee roy is with the boys.. MOMMMY GETS A BREAK!!! WooHoo!! Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy..... with no noise.. I LOVE IT!
Posted by VRussell at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Today is our 2 year anniversary. I am more in love with Lee Roy today as I was then and I cannot imagine my life without him. I close my eyes and think about our beautiful day May 12, 2007
We were talking last night about the events leading up to the wedding… The drama with the 1st florist and the 1st DJ, our BACHLR/BACHLRTTE parties, picking out the colors… LOL! I love to just sit and talk to my hubby. We have so much in common and can be honest. I know that with the honesty LR & I have this marriage and friendship will last forever. We also talked about the rehearsal dinner and wedding day itself.
That morning 5/12 was CRAZY. My choice in hair salons changed at the last minute. I also arrived at the Lancome` Boutique to have my make up done… to my surprise.. and theirs.. they couldn't find mine or my sister’s appointments. Was not happy with hair OR make up.. if I could have a wedding day do-over I WOULD! J Anyway made it through that drama.. ANYWAY.. My favorite part of my wedding day that seem to make it all go away… the MUSIC! You can hear them too on my play list below
Lee Roy, BM & Pastor – Jesus Joy of Man’s Desiring - #60
Bridal Party – Cannon in D Major - #61
Bride – Shania Twain’s Bridal March – not avail.. L
Unity Candle – When God made You - #59
Bride & Groom Exit – I’m a Believer - #62
First Dance – She’s Everything - #64
Father/Daughter Dance – I Loved Her First - #58
LR & Drue’s dance – My Wish - #22
New Family (V,LR,J&A) – He Didn’t Have to Be - #65
Special dance with ALL of our guests’ – Lost in this Moment - #66
Valerie & Lee Roy’s Private Dance J - Wonderful World - #30
May 2009 – Our Favorite Things about One another or Just In General:
New Favorite - “Our Song” : THEN – Brad Paisley #64
One Fav about my hubby: I love that he hears a song on the radio and will call me or text me to listen to it… I know SO “HIGH SCHOOL” …BUT I don’t care.. I love him for that!
#1 of Lee Roy’s favorite things about me??? He said: “Your Smile” aww he is so sweet…
Posted by VRussell at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!

Posted by VRussell at 6:44 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Praying for Nana and Nancy!
Last week Jonathon & Ashleigh's Nana & Papa (Kyle's mom & dad) decided they were going to make a trip to Ohio to see Nana's sister Aunt Barbara. Aunt Barbara was diagnosed with lung Cancer and had been told it was spreading and it was inoperable. Later in the week they got word back that test showed it had spread to her brain. Saturday Nana and Papa left for Ohio, Sandy(Kyle's mom) was going to spend a month with her and care for her sister. Let me just say.. that I would have done the exact same if it were my sister. Saturday while in route to Ohio, Aunt B had 2 seizures. Nana and Papa stopped for the night in Missouri to rest. The next morning at 7 AM as they preparred to continue on their trip, Aunt Barbara went to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I just ask for prayers for the family, for Nana Sandy. She is really struggling with this as they were told on Friday by Dr.'s she had 6 month. Nobody expected this to happen so soon. We know as Christians that God has HIS time for everyone and HE calls us to be with HIM when HE is ready.
I also received a call Sunday from one of my BFF's that her father passed away Sunday morning as well. Nancy's dad Jack Turner was 86 and has also gone to be with the Lord.
Father I pray for these two families, especially for Sandy and Nancy comfort them in their time of need and I pray that they know to rely on you and ONLY YOU FATHER! In JESUS name!
Posted by VRussell at 9:16 AM 0 comments