OK so things definitely could have been better but the great news is that I have the power to control it! I went to the sweetest most honest, strait forward Dr. I have ever been to in my life. He doesn't make you feel like crap when he talks to you and takes all the time in the world to explain things to you. My mom and dad have been seeing Dr. Cohen for a long time and said I should try him out... WAS THE BEST THING I EVER DID! I went yesterday so that he could help me with medication to start monitoring and managing my diabetes right! My husband who is an angel took the day off with me yesterday to be right there with me through the whole thing. I had been a bit anxious with the lab work I received Tuesday and he was not comfortable letting me go unless he went too! See this is why I LOVE this man, he has been a true blessing in my life.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Dr Appointments went Ok, I have some work to do!
Posted by VRussell at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Week full of Dr appointments ~ For Me
Monday I had an appointment with my OBGYN to discuss a few things and to have my well woman visit. Thank God for insurance! My labs came back and I have had to schedule additional appointments this week. I know God has his timing for everything and cannot give anyone more than they can handle. Please pray for these visits this week! :)
I know God is in control and I have faith that whatever comes my way I can handle. I think I am dealing more with anger issues than anything else. I am frustrated at what I have heard this far, not hopeless.
Posted by VRussell at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Nana and Papa Are moving IN!!!! WOOHOO!!
Since we had Jonathon's party last year, Kyle's parents have really liked our Apartment community here in Euless. So .... GUESS WHAT?????!?! They are moving into the complex. ISN'T THAT SO GREAT?!? They will be a scooter ride away from my babies and they are SUPER excited! They will be 3 buildings down from us. Jonathon and Ashleigh are counting down the days! Kyle's mom is going to retire this April or May and will get to spend a lot of time with the kids this summer. She is so funny but OUR relationship is funny too. We are all 1 big family. We kept it that way for the kids. Last year she was in the hospital and she tells me... "You know Valerie, We really like Lee Roy, he is just so great!" Isn't that funny?? i asked my mom about it and she kinda laughed but told me.. Well Val, that's because as long as us grandparents see our grandkids happy like Jonathon and Ash, that makes us SO happy. My mom said that they see Lee Roy working so hard to provide for his family and always has my and the kids best interest in mind and at heart! He is a sweetheart! ;0)
Posted by VRussell at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Valentine's Day 4 days later... :)
Lee Roy took the entire day off yesterday and spoiled me. I was working from home and he made me breakfast. Then we switched nights with the kids, they went to dad's. For dinner we went to Texas De Brazil.. OMG! That was so good. I have been to a similar place but it was our first time to enjoy something like this here together. It was so perfect just me and my honey! After we just drove around Highland Park taking in the amazing homes and area.. ANd got to have a good talk. Then it was off to pick up the kiddos.
Posted by VRussell at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day 2009 ~ Happy 85th B-Day to My Great Grandma
Posted by VRussell at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Friday 2/13 - Valentine's Day Party ~ Ashleigh
Posted by VRussell at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Our weekend!
Friday I felt God speaking to me. I have been thinking about a lot of things since Lee Roy has been out of work. I have felt like I need to do more in church and occupy my time with positive things and people. Friday night I joined my dad who has been asking for awhile in rehearsal for Praise team. FBC Colleyville has started a small spanish service on Sunday at 11 AM. Everything in this service is in spanish.. even all of the music. I grew up in both mexican and anglo churches as we moved between Dallas and Kansas City. So we practiced, songs that I hadn't sang since I was 4.. brought back beautiful memories of being involved in choirs since I was 4. From children's choirs at church to school honor choirs and church choir as an adult. One of the songs we practiced was so beautiful... Cuando Levanto Mis Manos.. translated to When I lift up my Hands.. It talks about Lifting your hands to Jesus.. We are and always will be his children. What does that small child do when they need or when they hurt or when they want to be held and carried? The child lifts their arms and hands to mommy or daddy... That is what we do too. We lift our hands to you father and we know you are there. To hold us, encourage us, walk with us.
Sunday Lee Roy and I woke up early and went to the 930 english service and then after that we went to the spanish service and it was beautiful. LR speaks 2 or 3 words in spanish but was determained to sing along to everyword. :)
Posted by VRussell at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Lee Roy was let go from his job on Friday. I would like to ask for prayers at this time for him. That the Lord show him what the next chapter is and for GOD'S favor to be poured on Lee Roy. My husband is a good man, he would take the shirt off of his back for anyone, give someone his last dollar and always thinks of others. Lee Roy does so much for me and the kids I know God has something for him and for our family.
And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you.
-- Ezekiel 36:26
Posted by VRussell at 7:25 AM 1 comments